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The intent of our catering curriculum is to apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating, instilling a love of cooking in all students. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill for students now and in later life. Throughout their time at school, we aim to encourage independent learning through practical participation. The department ensures that our students have a wider understanding of environmental impacts on our choice of foods and why there should be more encouragement to buy in season. 

Students will have an understanding of how to apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet following the guidance from the Eat well Guide. Students will be able to prepare and cook a wide variety of  dishes using a range of cooking techniques.

Whitstone Campus Photography - 24th June 2019 - 131.JPG

They will have an understanding of the term seasonality and how this can be applied to menu choices. Students will gain extensive knowledge of where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed. Students will also be aware of taste, texture and smell and how to season and combine ingredients; adapting and using their own recipes in later stages of Key Stage 3. The impact of the knowledge and understanding enables students to cook a variety of dishes building on their skills from Year 7 through to year 9 where they will be able to make a variety of international dishes to a high standard.

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