Home > Parents > Examinations
Please find all you need to know about upcoming examinations at Whitstone School.
Below is the Year 11 examination timetable as well as a breakdown of the GCSE examination period. Further links to help with revision can be found at the bottom of the page.
Please note: Year 10 mocks start on 26th June 2023
GCSE Exam Timetable
Date | AM/ PM | Examination |
Tuesday 16th May | AM | Science: Biology Paper 1 |
Tuesday 16th May | PM | German Paper 1 and 3 |
Wednesday 17th May | AM | English Literature Paper 1 |
Thursday 18th May | AM | History Paper 1 |
Friday 19th May | AM | Maths Paper 1 |
Friday 19th May | PM | Health and Social Care Component 3 (resit) |
Monday 22nd May | AM | Science: Chemistry Paper 1 |
Monday 22nd May | PM | Geography Paper 1 |
Tuesday 23rd May | PM | ICT Component 3 (resit) |
Wednesday 24th May | AM | English Literature Paper 2 |
Thursday 25th May | AM | Science: Physics Paper 1 |
Friday 26th May | AM | German Paper 4 |
Monday 5th June | AM | English Language Paper 1 |
Tuesday 6th June | AM | Spanish Paper 1 and 3 |
Wednesday 7th June | AM | Maths Paper 2 |
Wednesday 7th June | PM | History Paper 2 |
Thursday 8th June | AM | Further Maths Paper 1 |
Friday 9th June | AM | Geography Paper 2 |
Friday 9th June | PM | Science: Biology Paper 2 |
Monday 12th June | AM | English Language Paper 2 |
Tuesday 13th June | AM | Science: Chemistry Paper 2 |
Tuesday 13th June | PM | Spanish Paper 4 |
Wednesday 14th June | AM | Maths Paper 3 |
Thursday 15th June | AM | History Paper 3 |
Friday 16th June | AM | Science: Physics Paper 3 |
Friday 16th June | PM | Geography Paper 3 |
Friday 19th June | AM | Design and Technology Component 1 |
Wednesday 21st June | PM | Further Maths Paper 2 |
Friday 23rd June | PM | Additional Maths |
We are now using GCSE Pod to help supplement revision at GCSE level. All Year 11 students should have set up a log in and can access this site here.