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Home Learning
In years 7, 8 and 9, all home learning is set in your Knowledge Organiser:
What is a Knowledge Organiser?
A knowledge organiser is a set of key facts or information that you need to know and be able to recall in order to ‘master’ a unit or topic.
An organiser normally fits onto 1 or 2 pages of A4 – this helps you to visualise the layout of the page which in turn helps you to memorise the information better.
Research has shown that knowledge organisers will help prepare you for your GCSEs, practice revision skills and help “train your brain” to move facts from your short term memory to your long term memory.
Year 11 Learning Booklets
This year our year 10 moving into year 11 students have a Summer booklet to work through.
We are now using GCSE Pod to help supplement revision at GCSE level. All Year 11 students should have set up a log in and can access this site here.
Remote Working
If you or your child have any difficulties with online work, please see your Aspire Lead or your subject teacher who will be able to help.
Google Classroom
Every student has their own Google account so that they can access work from home if you need to, including Google Classroom.
To access your account, log in to Google using your school account:
(your network name is made up of the last two digits of your year group’s first year, your first initial, your surname eg: A student who started year 7 in 2020 called Joe Brown would have the network name 20jbrown)
Every student also has a unique password - if you have forgotten yours or have any problems accessing your account, contact the IT department.
Google Meet
During remote lessons, there will be a degree of face to face, online interaction between the students and teachers via Google Meet.
Google Drive
Every student has their own online file drive - a place to store and share work.
ePraise is the system we use to aid communication between students, parents and teachers.
Maths Watch
Maths homework is set on MathsWatch once a fortnight and includes instruction video clips and a worksheet to complete. Once complete you need to record your score and your parents should sign to say they have seen the work.
Each Student has their own login:
Username: First initial,surname@whitstone
Password: Whitstone1
For example Joe Brown would have the username JBrown@whitstone