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Health and Social Care (Key Stage 4 only)
Component 1: Human Lifespan Development
This component is assessed through coursework marked by the course lead and moderated by the exam board. It comprises two written assignments. This component comprises 30% of the final mark.
Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values
Similar to component 1, this component is assessed through coursework, comprising two written assignments. The second assignment involves practical elements, as students demonstrate care values. Component two represents 30% of the final mark.
Component 3: Health and Wellbeing
This component is assessed through a written task, completed in exam conditions. This task comprises 40% of the final mark.
Why you should study Health and Social Care?
The health and social care course will give you a broad base from which to continue your studies in whatever direction you choose. You will learn transferable professional skills that will be helpful to you whatever profession you enter as an adult. The course also supports you to develop as a person; as you gain a deeper understanding about how people grow and develop throughout their lives, and what affects this. You will learn how to identify the different needs people have, and how we as individuals can support each other. This knowledge will help you in your future relationships, both professional and personal.
Recently, Health and Social Care Services have been in the spotlight as never before, and the importance of the NHS and associated care providers has been very much in the public consciousness. The importance of skilled, compassionate care cannot be denied, and if you feel you would like to work with people in the future, then this course will provide you with a broad base of skills and knowledge from which to start your next steps.
What will you learn in Health and Social Care?
The BTEC course covers the following topics:
Human growth and development throughout our lifespan
The range of factors that affect our development, both positively and negatively
The diverse range of needs that individuals may have
How to assess these needs and plan support for an individual
The wide range of services offered by health and social care, and the professionals who provide these.
The skills and qualities needed for these professional roles
The care value base, and how to apply these values in a range of professional settings
What courses could you take at college or university in the future?
The health and social care level 2 BTEC provides a good grounding for a range of courses including:
Health and social care level 3, A-level or T-level
Hairdressing, barbering and beauty therapies
Paramedic science
Mental health and psychiatry
Therapeutic roles
For further information talk to Mr Hallam.