For the remainder of the week, students are welcome to opt for either their usual uniform (minus the school blazer and tie) or their PE kit. This is to help students feel more comfortable in the heat. Please be aware that these are the only two options and it is not an option for students to be wearing non-uniform.

A decision will be made at the end of the week regarding uniform for next week. If it is likely to be hot again, we will continue with the option of PE kit.

Whilst we will continue to ensure students have access to water during the day, please send your child with a bottle and fluids each morning. It would also be advisable that each student brings a hat in case they wish to go outside at breaktime or lunchtime.

Should you have any questions regarding this week, please do not hesitate to contact your child's Aspire Lead, Head of Year or Mr Swallow.


Fish In Schools Hero programme


Ski Trip 2023