Whitstone School Enrichment Curriculum

At Whitstone School we are proud to be able to support our students in a variety of different ways.
Gary and Vincent van Goat are the newest additions to our menagerie and are settling in really well. Here are some pictures of their antics for you to enjoy:
But what is the point of the goats?
We’ve had that question a few times. Gary and Vincent (along with our rescue chickens) form part of our in-school ‘Enrichment Curriculum’, which provides different learning opportunities for students, especially those who are requiring a bit of additional support in class.
Since September, this small section of school site has undergone a huge transformation from a patch full of weeds to an outdoor learning area. Our chickens were the first to arrive in October last year; we then planted a new orchard, extended our school allotment, created an outdoor classroom and most recently have welcomed our goaty companions.
Whitstone School students have been involved from the start and enjoy getting hands-on with practical activities no matter the weather. Students get exercise and fresh air being outdoors, they have the opportunity to assess and take risks, problem solve, work together, build resilience, be mindful, creative, responsible and… the list goes on.
Whether they’ve been looking after the animals, building something, gardening, or simply being outside and having a conversation about their wellbeing - these outdoor activities and our school animals give students a chance to explore and develop in a different setting, working on skills they will carry back into the classroom.