Home > Curriculum and Learning > Maths
We aim for every student to leave Whitstone mastering all elements of Mathematics. This includes having a reflective and relevant appreciation of real life applications and a passion to reach their full Mathematical potential.
To have an Excellent understanding of Maths, you need to be able to:
Understand how real life can be modelled using Data and Probability
Use Proportional Reasoning including Ratio
Understand and manipulate Algebra, including Graphs, Equations and Formulae
Have strong, secure methods for all Calculations, including with Negatives and Fractions
Understand Place value, including with Fraction, Decimals and Percentages
Be fluent in applying Mathematical Language
Reason with Geometry, including Angles, Shapes and Transformations
All of your learning in Maths will develop at least one element of this knowledge to prepare you to be an excellent Mathematician.
Our curriculum follows a mastery approach, spiraling through topics developing understanding as students progress through the years. Students will be stretched according to their ability and their knowledge and understanding is regularly assessed both in lessons and through formal assessments.
Curriculum rationales for both Keys Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 can be found here
Maths assessment and feedback policy, including details over how grades are calculated can be found here: Assessment Policy
Programme of study for years 7 and 8 can be found here: Year 7 Year 8
Programme of study for Year 9-11 can be found here:
Foundation KS4 Scheme of Learning
(The programmes of study are a rough guide as to what is being taught each term and are subject to change)
GCSE Maths Information Evening - 17th November 2022
Following Year 11 Parents evening, we held a GCSE Maths information evening. This looked at how the GCSE Maths papers are made up, how best to revise for Maths and how parents/carers can support their child at home.
A number of Parents/Carers wanted to attend but were unable to do so. Please find below links to the following for you to review at home:
The information powerpoint: Click here
The parent booklet: Click here
The student booklet: Click here
GCSE topic lists: Foundation: Click here Higher: Click here
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your childs Maths teacher.